Crop models and decision tools are increasingly affecting agriculture. Various forms of information technology are being adopted in agriculture as modern technology advances. To review research achievements and identify new directions in crop modeling and decision support, an international symposium on crop modeling and decision support was held in Nanjing, China in April, 2008. The main purposes of this symposium were to exchange the state-of-the art of current modeling and simulation approaches, as well as recent progress on crop models and decision support systems leading to on-farm applications; to explore future directions needed for advancement and potential opportunities for team collaboration. The symposium was successfully held with a grand gathering of about 120 scientists and researchers from more than 20 countries. Over 100 abstracts and 40 papers were presented at the meeting, and selected papers were combined into this book as the symposium proceeding, in addition to some papers submitted for journal publication. Thus, the present book is a main output of the symposium, and should be useful for the scientists, graduate students and management specialists in the areas of crop modeling and decision support. This proceeding book covers cutting-edge results on crop growth modeling, decision support system and model-based information technologies for crop growth prediction and production management. It covers the subjects of crop and soil process modeling, plant architectural modeling, climate change modeling, crop productivity modeling, simulation model development, model-based decision support systems (DSS), applications of crop models and DSS, integration of crop models with other information technologies. We would like to express our gratitude to all the participants for their participations and presentations at the symposium. Great thanks go to the Academic Committee of the symposium for their great efforts and hard work, to Drs Qi Jing and Liang Tang as the secretaries of the symposium, and to Drs Yan Zhu, Yongchao Tian, XiaoJun Liu and Xia Yao for their hard work during the symposium. We also thank the sponsors for their generous supports making the symposium successful.
《群决策理论与方法及实现》作为一个确定意义的术语从提出到现在的几十年中得到了快速发展,其理论研究和应用研究成为当前管理学界、数学界、经济学界、社会学界和政治学界决策研究者共同关心的热点话题和前沿的研究领域。其发展遵循着从理性决策到行为决策,从个体决策到群体决策,从单一目标到多目标,从确定性方法到不确定方法,从单一决策方法到综合系统决策方法,从狭义决策到广义决策的轨迹。群决策的理论基础是社会选择理论、社会福利理论、现代效用理论和行为理论,其难点在于无法找到比较衡量不同人效用的尺度,因而只能在序数意义下归集个人偏好成为群体偏好。在实际运用中,必须考虑群决策组织过程、群体一致性的评价以及在决策者部分理性条件下支持群决策的技术和方法。 群决策需要多学科多种领域知识的融合,如管理科学、心理学、组织行为学等;在现在强调决策的科学性和民主性的环境中,群决策的知识、方法是人们在各种管理决策工作中必不可少的。
- 版权: 清华大学出版社
- 出版: 2009-04-01
- 更新: 2023-06-07
- 书号:9787302182559
- 中图:C934
- 学科:法学社会学管理学管理科学与工程