Understanding China's Criminal Procedure

作者: YI Yanyou

出版社: 清华大学出版社

出版日期: 2011-08-01

电子书 ¥37.7 定价:58.0 纸书价格¥47.60,点此比价
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In the eyes of the majority of westerners, china's criminalprocedure is full of torture,menace, enticement and other types ofinhuman methods. this is understandable because they gotinformation about china's criminal procedure primarily from themedia, the job of which is to attract the public's attention, orfrom scholars' articles, papers and books that focus on china'sancient legal system, or police practice at or before the "greatculture revolution", and thus gives them an uninformed conceptionof china's criminal procedure that is limited in informal areas orancient times. many times, our focus is distracted by inadequate,and biased information, and thus hampers us from seeking thetruth.this book is to give a concise but comprehensive introduction ofchinese criminal procedure to people who do not know chineselanguage but are interested in learning about chinese law.

  • 版权: 清华大学出版社
  • 出版: 2011-08-01
  • 作者:YI Yanyou
  • 更新: 2023-10-13
  • 书号:9787302262145
  • 中图:D925.201
  • 学科:


YI Yanyou

YI Yanyou is an Associate Professor and the Director of the Evidence Law Research Center, School of Law, Tsinghua University. In addition to working in the Law Department, he holds the position of Deputy Chief Procurator of the People's Procuratorate of Yanqing County. YI teaches and researches in the area of criminal procedure law, evidence law, and judicial system. He is the author of Chinese Criminal Procedure and Chinese Society, Peking University Press, September 2010; The System and Spirit of Evidence Law-With Special Reference to Anglo- American Law, Peking University Press, June 2010; Law of Criminal Procedure, Law Press, third edition 2008, first edition 2003; Jury Trial and the Adversary System, Taibei, Sanming Bookstore, November 2004; On the Right to Remain Silent, China University of Politics and Law Press, AuguSt 200I. Yi's publications also include more than 30 scholarly articles and essays published in law reviews and journals including Tsinghua China Law Review, Punishment and Society: The InternationalJournal of Penology, Social Science in China, Chinese Journal of Law, Tribune of Political Science and Law, Journal of Comparative Law, and Peking University Law Journal, etc.
