
作者: Eldon D. Enger, Bradley F. Smith

出版日期: 2012-06-01

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  • 出版: 2012-06-01
  • 作者:Eldon D. Enger, Bradley F. Smith
  • 更新: 2024-07-16
  • 书号:9787302289364
  • 中图:X-43
  • 学科:


Eldon D. Enger, Bradley F. Smith

埃恩格(Enger,E.D.) is an emeri tus professor of blology at Delta College, a commuriity college near Saginaw, Michigan. He received lus B.A. and M.S. degrees from the University of Michigan. Professor Enger has over 30 years of teaching experience, during which he has taught biology, zoology, environmental science, and several other courses. He has been very active in curriculum and course development. A major curriculum contribution was the development of an environmental technician curriculum and the courses that support it. He was also involved in the development of learning community courses in stream ecology, winter ecology, and plant identification. Each of these courses involved studentsin weekend-long experiences in the outdoors that paired envi-ronmental education with physical activity-stream ecology andcanoeing, winter ecology and cross-country skiing, and plantidentification with backpacking.   史密斯(Smith,B.F.) is the Dean of Huxley College of the Environmentat Western Washington University in Bellingham, Washington. Prior to assum- ing    埃恩格(Enger,E.D.) is an emeri tus professor of blology at Delta College, a commuriity college near Saginaw, Michigan. He received lus B.A. and M.S. degrees from the University of Michigan. Professor Enger has over 30 years of teaching experience, during which he has taught biology, zoology, environmental science, and several other courses. He has been very active in curriculum and course development. A major curriculum contribution was the development of an environmental technician curriculum and the courses that support it. He was also involved in the development of learning community courses in stream ecology, winter ecology, and plant identification. Each of these courses involved studentsin weekend-long experiences in the outdoors that paired envi-ronmental education with physical activity-stream ecology andcanoeing, winter ecology and cross-country skiing, and plantidentification with backpacking.   史密斯(Smith,B.F.) is the Dean of Huxley College of the Environmentat Western Washington University in Bellingham, Washington. Prior to assum- ing the position as Dean in 1994, he served as the first Director of the Office of Environmental Education for the U.S.Environmental Protection Agency in Washington, D.C., from 1991 t0 1994. Dean Smith also served as the Acting President of the National Environmental Education and Training Foundation in Washington, D.C.and as a Special Assistant to the EPA Administrator. 显示全部信息
