University Fundamental Physics(Vol 1)

作者: 张三慧

出版社: 清华大学出版社

出版日期: 2009-06-01

  • 优惠券
  • ¥3
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电子书 ¥20.8 定价:45.0
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The content of this volume includes two parts: mechanics and theory of heat. In the part of mechanics, the fundamental concepts and principles, as Newton’ s laws of motion, Momentum and angular momentum, work and energy, rotation and relativity. In the pa


This English edition of the University Fundamenta·physics is written for Bilingua·pedagogy of physics. The physics contents include mechanics, heat,electromagnetism, optics and fundamenta·quantum physics. Al·these contents satisfy the kerne·fundamenta·requirements declared by the physics pedagogic directing committee of Ministry of Education. So this book can be used as a reference book for the physics course given to non-physics specialized students in science and engineering universities. The writer thinks that there are surely many detects and errors in this book both in language and explanations of physica·principles. He waits and welcomes your comments and corrections.

  • 版权: 清华大学出版社
  • 出版: 2009-06-01
  • 作者:张三慧
  • 更新: 2023-07-25
  • 书号:9787302196983
  • 中图:O4
  • 学科:


